They Believed In Us And Backed Our Campaign!
In 2021, I came up with the idea for Pick Fresh Delivery to address the health issues and food insecurity within food deserts around Milwaukee. Eliminating food insecurity and the diseases that are caused by limited access to fresh food is my focus.
I was blessed to become aware of the amazing work that Jrue Holiday of the World Champion Milwaukee Bucks and his wife Lauren Holiday of the United States Women’s National Football Team were doing to support Black businesses and non-profit organizations through their JLH Social Impact Fund in conjunction with Fund Black Founders and Kinship Advisors.
I applied for a grant through JLH and my idea actually WON!!!! I was ELATED!!! I was selected to represent Milwaukee and was offered a matching grant. They believed in Pick Fresh Delivery and what it could do for people living in food deserts! They continue to support us and are truly invested in helping us make a difference in the lives of people living in food deserts here in Milwaukee. We are so grateful to them for their support and belief in our mission. We love you guys!